A Dove in the Night Sky
Joseph P. Rogers
Somewhere within the vastness of the heavens,
Within the endless, starry skies,
The ancient Magi star is shining.
From this happy beacon streaming,
Light illumes the path that we are seeking.
Rosebuds along this path unfolding,
Beneath a Dove in flight at night;
Beauty and truth revealing
With the Dove overhead gliding.
Grace and sin competing
For possession of each soul;
With eternal consequences resulting
From the daily inner battle raging.
This perpetual strife proceeding
Through the course of all our mortal days;
God, in your mercy, please illume us;
Send us help to guide our way.
Send forth your holy messengers
With Good News for us all.
And then, when the time is right,
Descend yourself in all your might.
Come to us in bread and wine;
Share with us your life divine.
And come in other quiet forms,
Perhaps in a breeze or a flame;
Come again as a Dove,
We long to hear your wings.
Grace triumphs when the Dove descends
And offers to us glory without end.