Seven Lads at Sea Shanty
Joseph Patrick Rogers

Seven lads set out to sea one day.
They sailed out of Galway Bay.
Adventure, treasure, glory,
They would win!
Their ship’s sails billowed in the wind.

But a fierce storm knocked them askew
With fury, the gales blew.
All aboard were by tempest tossed.
It seemed that the good ship would be lost,
But the crew held it fast,
So through the storm, they did last.

The next night Neptune struck again
The crew’s luck that night wore thin.
One lad went overboard and could not be found.
Only six returned to their hometown.

Six lads soon set out to sea again.
A new adventure would begin.
Their ship’s sails billowed in the wind.

But then a nightmare came from the deep,
Awakening the crew from their sleep.
A sea serpent struck with all his might,
Wreaking havoc in the night.

Only four lads returned to shore.
The others were ne’er seen anymore.
Everyone in the pub wept at their tale
And bought them many pints of ale.

Soon the four lads again set sail;
They were brave, hearty and hale!
A new adventure would begin.
Their ship’s sails billowed in the wind.

For a while, all went well,
Then it suddenly became like hell.
Chaos rose with fearsome might.
A Kraken ruled the deep, dark night.

Too near the Kraken’s lair, they had wandered.
Out of its cave, the giant beast thundered.
The lads gave him a good fight,
But one more vanished undersea that night.

The voyage continued courageously on,
Seeing many a fair dawn
Until the three lads sailed by mistake into Poseidon’s realm.
He smote the sailor at the helm.
The remaining two escaped the sea ruler’s wrath,
N’er again wandering into his path.

Those two lads had more bad luck;
One windy day, a whirlpool struck.
Both sailors aboard were cast to and fro.
Beneath the sea, another would go.

One lad sailed back to the town alone.
“Stay here! Stay here!
Make this place your home!”
Everyone intoned.

“You can’t sail that ship alone!
The ocean’s floor will be your home!”
The townsfolk pleaded for many days,
But he had to be back on his way.

In the morn, the church bells rang,
The people sang,
“We eat the Divine Bread unleavened.
May we find a path to Heaven!
Fare thee well, last of the sailors seven!”

The lad set out to sea again.
A great adventure would begin.
His ship’s sails billowed in the wind.

Although it was a sunny, bright day,
Lightning bolts came from each and every way!
They broke the mast and shattered the hull.
Lightning hit the lad and down he fell!

For a moment, he thought that he was dead,
But a beautiful light shone up ahead.
A glowing island rose from the ocean,
Shining as it moved with magical motion. 

The mystical island came forth.
Did Atlantis have a new rebirth?
Or was this a far greater Kingdom still?
Through his whole body, he felt a thrill.

His six mates stood upon the shore.
All that had been lost was now restored.
How they came to be here, he didn’t yet understand,
But he rejoiced to see his band.

His shipmates celebrated upon the shore.
All was even more wonderful than before.
“Dear friend, we’re so glad to see you’re here!
Come onto the beach and have a beer!”

Soon the seven lads set sail upon the sea again!
Their greatest adventure would now begin!
Their ship’s sails billowed in the wind!